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Students in Temporary Living Situations (STLS) Advocate

Students in Temporary Living Situations (STLS) Program

CPS protects the educational rights of homeless students and ensures they receive all the services, programs, and activities provided to students who live in permanent housing.

For students who do not live in permanent housing, attending school and staying on track for their grade level can present challenges on many levels and across different areas.

CPS schools and networks assist qualified students in temporary living situations (STLS) in removing these barriers, including providing transportation, school uniforms, school supplies, fee waivers, and referrals to community resources.


STLS Program Eligibility

Students in many different living situations are eligible for STLS services. If a student lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, he or she is eligible for STLS services.


To learn more about STLS eligibility, view our FAQs.