Hubbard High School shall ensure a challenging educational program with equity of opportunity and access to excellence, so that each student may fulfill his or her potential and become a productive, contributing member of society. The local school council, faculty, administration, and community are dedicated to ensuring that students become critical thinkers and problem solvers as they pursue their post-secondary education and become productive, principled members of our global society.
The Hubbard High School faculty and administration support the ongoing process of school improvement. This, along with an environment of respect and collaboration, provides a supportive environment for our students as they prepare to become the critical thinkers and decision-makers of our 21st-century global society.
reasons as excused absences.
● For up to five days, student absences can be attributed to mental or behavioral health.
There is no requirement for a medical note for mental or behavioral health days.
● A mental or behavioral health day allows a student to be given the opportunity to make
up any school work missed during their absence.
● A school can refer a student to the appropriate school support personnel after their
second mental health day.
● La Ley Pública 102-0321 modificó las leyes de asistencia para permitir ausencias
justificadas por razones de salud mental y de comportamiento.
● Durante un máximo de cinco días, las ausencias de los estudiantes pueden atribuirse a la
salud mental o salud de comportamiento. No se requiere una nota médica para los días
de salud mental o de salud de comportamiento.
● Un día de salud mental o de salud de comportamiento permite que el estudiante tenga
la oportunidad de recuperar cualquier trabajo escolar perdido durante su ausencia.
● La escuela puede referir al estudiante a personal de apoyo escolar apropiado después de
su segundo día de salud mental.